Sensory Regulation and Wellness

Azure pool at the Four Season Hotel Bahrain Bay

Sensory regulation and wellness are crucial components in fostering a balanced and healthy lifestyle, particularly for individuals who may experience sensory sensitivities. By understanding and harnessing the power of sensory experiences—such as touch, sound, and movement—individuals can cultivate environments that promote calmness and focus. However, when travelling this can be out of an individual’s control and there are a number of factors that can contribute to sensory overwhelm and dysregulation when travelling, regardless if it is for holiday or business travel.

Hotels, often bustling with activity and an array of stimuli, can pose significant challenges for those experiencing sensory overwhelm. The constant flow of sounds from guests, the bright lighting, and the variety of unfamiliar scents can intensify feelings of anxiety and discomfort. There are a number of changes that hotels and resorts can make to greatly reduce anxiety for guests whose sensory difference impact on their ability to travel. For example having some quieter rooms, with sound-absorbing materials, and natural lighting can greatly benefit individuals who are sensitive to sensory input. Additionally, helping guests understand the layout of the hotel and identifying tranquil areas, such as gardens or lounges, can provide essential retreats for moments of overwhelming stimulation. In the picture above, the sun beds which are spaced a reasonable distance from each other are a great example of a simple strategy that can enhance calmness and reduce anxiety. In another hotel without a pool a calm space might be a hammock swing in the garden. By integrating thoughtful sensory strategies into hotel stays, guests can regain control over their experience, allowing them to savour their vacation rather than feel consumed by it.

It is important to remember that sensory regulation plays a pivotal role in enhancing the vacation experience, providing a respite from the overwhelming stimuli of daily life. On holiday, individuals often encounter new environments, sounds, and sights that can either invigorate the senses or lead to sensory overload. By providing a sensory friendly environment, resorts and hotels can create a balanced sensory experience that fosters relaxation and enjoyment no matter the size or the type of resort. This approach allows for a rejuvenating escape and also an extremely happy customer who will return to your resort.

Finally in the busy world we live in many individuals are burned out and in desperate need of a break by the time they finally go on holiday. Sensory regulation plays a crucial role in managing burnout, especially in environments that overwhelm our sensory systems. When individuals are exposed to excessive stimuli without adequate coping mechanisms, they may experience heightened stress and fatigue, leading to a decline in overall well-being. This can include noisy environments and other sensory aspects that an individual might find overwhelming. Sensory friendly environments can help individuals regain a sense of control and stability, ultimately preventing burnout. By tuning into sensory needs and creating restorative spaces, it becomes possible to break the cycle of stress and replenish energy, fostering resilience in a demanding world.

If you want to learn more about how you can support guests with sensory processing differences or how to make small tweaks in your service to support guests with sensory regulation please get in touch.


Sensory Processing Differences and Hotel Stays